Saturday, September 22, 2007
Instruction, Education and Sports
What is education?? This is a very interesting and very serious question. Today I read an article discussed about this issue. Please refer to the link. 我想 這邊指的就是生活的態度與作人的基本道理是相當重要的--禮義廉恥. This is what I still need to learn a lot!
Yesterday David and I went to the Yankee stadium to watch a baseball game. The game lasted for 14 innings but Yankees lost the game at last. What moved me is that although the scores was behind from 1-8 innings, but at the nine inning, the players still not gave up the game. They tried so hard to win the game! All the crowds were so excited and cheered up for them! I was so happy as well. That was an unforgettable experience. It is really worth to go to the ball game once in a while and experience the atmosphere. Also, I think education happened in the stadium as well--the players' spirit. Perhaps that's why many people enjoy watch it.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Teachers College, Columbia University 在教育界是相當富盛名的一所學校, 我很榮幸能夠來到這個學校念書. 這裡有許多偉大的教育學家, 如John Dewey, 胡適. (當然跟大師们比起來我是渺小的如砂粒般). 回想剛到這邊時的感動, 青澀與不知所措, 參與了一個忙碌但相當有意義的計劃, 修了許許多多的課程, 認識了很多很認真很努力的朋友, 我能了解民主的可貴與這個國家偉大的地方. 再加上紐約是如此的多元與包容, How lucky I am. John Dewey 説的好, 教育即生活, 生活即教育. It is a process. What I have learned here is much more than the textbooks can teach me...I hope I can become a much better person later on.
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